PACKAGE NAME: urlgrabber-4.1.0-x86_64-7cf.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: ./urlgrabber PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 108 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 430 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: urlgrabber: urlgrabber (cross-protocol url-grabber and Python library) urlgrabber: urlgrabber: urlgrabber is a pure python package that drastically simplifies the urlgrabber: fetching of files. It is designed to be used in programs that need urlgrabber: common (but not necessarily simple) url-fetching features. It is urlgrabber: extremely simple to drop into an existing program and provides a urlgrabber: clean interface to protocol-independant file-access. urlgrabber: urlgrabber: urlgrabber: urlgrabber: