Slackware Current Repository by Conraid ====================================================================== gsad (Greenbone Security Assistant HTTP server) Greenbone Security Assistant HTTP Server - The server talking to the Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) deamon. Previously in gsa package. HOME: ====================================================================== NOTE: ###### Upgrade Instructions ###### Before running openvas, you'll need to migrate the openvas-manager database. Simply run: # gsad --migrate ###### Installation Instructions ###### You must install all gvm packages and related dependencies (redis and libmicrohttpd) ====================== NOTE: greenbone-security-assistant This is the UI the Greenbone Vulnerability Manager ###### Upgrade Notes ###### Before running openvas, you'll need to migrate the gvm database. Simply run: # gvmd --migrate ###### Installation Instructions ###### You must install all gvm packages (gsa, gvm-libs, gvm-tools, gvmd, openvas-scanner, ospd and python-gvm) and related dependencies (redis, libmicrohttpd, node, paramiko, lxml, defusedxml). Then you can follow the instructions below 1. Start redis. # sh /etc/rc.d/rc.redis start 2. You need a Certificate Authority and server certificate. Run the following command: # gvm-manage-certs -a 3. You need the NVT's (Network Vulnerability Tests). Run the following command to sync. In the future, you can do this through the greenbone-security-assistant interface. This will take a minute or so with a blazing fast internet connection. YMMV. # greenbone-nvt-sync 4. Start the scanner daemon. # sh /etc/rc.d/rc.openvassd start 5. You need client certificates for manager to talk to scanner. Use the following command. # openvas-mkcert-client -n -i 6. Initialize the manager database. This will take a while, so be patient. # openvasmd --rebuild 7. You want encrypted credentials in the DB, so do this now. # openvasmd --create-credentials-encryption-key This may take a while, so it's best to create some entropy by skipping to #13-#15 and then coming back, if needed. 8. Create a user. # gvmd --create-user=myuser 9 Sync SCAP data. This will take some time. # greenbone-scapdata-sync 10. Sync CERT data. # greenbone-certdata-sync 11. Update port names. # wget # DB_DIR=/var/lib/gvm/gvmd gvm-portnames-update service-names-port-numbers.xml # rm service-names-port-numbers.xml 12. Start the openvas-manager daemon. # sh /etc/rc.d/rc.gvmd start 13. Launch the greenbone-security-assistant. # sh /etc/rc.d/rc.gsad start 14. Point your browser at https://:9392 You'll get a certificate error, of course (fixing this is left as an excercise for the reader). Log in with your username/password from #10. 15. [Optional] Build and install gvm-tools. You'll need this if you ever want to script tests. Please let me know if you run into any problems. Patches welcome! -- This README is modified version of by Kent Fritz ( ====================== REQUIRES: libmicrohttpd gvm-libs hiredis redis babel-loader python-polib xmltoman